Our Procedures
The following steps outline our current procedures. We want each prospective owner to have a wonderful experience as they decide and plan for the addition of a new member to their household.
Step 1: Educate yourself on the breed and owner responsibilities.
Step 2: Identify a puppy you are interested in from the 'Our Puppies' page.
Step 3: Complete the Prospective Owner Application.
Step 4: Complete the contract and pay deposit, after being approved.
Step 5: Pick up your puppy.
Step 1. If you are not already familiar with cavaliers, please take the time to educate yourself on this amazing breed. It is incumbent upon prospective owners to:
a. Understand the nature and character of the breed to determine if a cavalier
is right for your lifestyle. The temperament of the owners is as important as
the temperament of your cavalier.
b. Understand the care responsibilities of bringing a new puppy into your home.
There are many great resources available for new owners. We recommend
information provided on sites produced by the American Kennel Club (AKC),
the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), and clubs specifically
formed for the betterment of the cavalier breed.
c. Understand their local, state, and federal laws around owning a pet. This not
only includes the proper licensing, care and health of the animal, but items
such as rental agreements. Failure on the part of the adopter to know and
understand any of these ordinances is not justification for the return of your
pet for a refund.
Step 2. Identify a possible companion on the 'Our Puppies' page. Even if we currently
have no puppies available, you may move to Step 3 and request to be put on
a notification list. A short waitlist is also maintained for those wanting to make a deposit and secure first options on upcoming litters.
Step 3. Fill out a 'Prospective Owner Application' by going to the 'Owner Application'
page through the top navigation bar.
a. You will receive a call or email to discuss your interest in one of our cavaliers.
b. If we currently have no puppies available for adoption, you are still welcome to turn
in an application and be placed on our waiting list. Our waiting list is not a 'hold list'
unless a contract and deposit are received (see below).
c. Individuals on our waiting list will be contacted once a new litter has been born and
will be given priority offering of available puppies based on the order in which they completed the waitlist application.
d. Notification will be to the entire group via email, and/or text message, and/or phone message. Individuals on the waitlist will be given a couple of days to respond to our messages. If we do not hear back from individuals concerning their desire to remain on the notification list or in a particular puppy, they will be removed from the list. Only after everyone on the list has had an opportunity to respond and have a chance to select a puppy will we make the litter available to the general public. Exceptions to this are breeding contracts and those who have made a deposit, see section 'e' below. We will also provide updates as a litter is close to being born. We are happy to work with you as you plan and prepare for your new addition.
e. Breeders seeking new stock and individuals who have made deposits will be given
top placement on the waitlist, assuming that breeding agreements and arrangements meet AKC, CVC, and CKCSC guidelines. Currently, breeding contracts are double the price of pet contracts, but come with additional benefits. Those benefits will be discussed on a case by case basis prior to the signing of a breeding contract. Our desire is to create constructive long-term relationships for the benefit of the breed and those who adopt cavalier pups, and not a competitive or contentious environment between our breeding partners. A breeding contract may not be reverted to a pet contract for the sole purpose of gaining pick of the litter.
Step 4. Once you have identified a pup and have been approved, you will be sent a contract to review. You will have 24 hours to accept the contract or continue to address any concerns. If the contract is not actively being addressed after 24 hours, the pup of interest will be considered available for adoption by another party. Deposits are non-refundable, but may be applied to a future litter if warranted.
Our current preferred method of receiving funds is Venmo, as it appears to be the most efficient mechanism and does not cause the sender or receiver to incur extra charges as do direct bank transfers, PayPal, or by using credit cards. However, these other arrangements are possible as well.
Step 5. Once a completed contract is obtained with the deposit, the cavalier pup will
be held for you until the full adoption process can take place (which is usually tied to the pup turning 8 weeks of age).
a. We currently leave it up to the adopter to make travel arrangements to
acquire their puppy from us. When and where your puppy is picked up is
managed on a case by case basis. Flying puppies unattended as cargo is
exceedingly risky, and is not recommended. We can assist with arranging a travel nanny, if you prefer to have your new puppy delivered to your home. However, the expense for that service is covered by the adopter and full payment is required before delivery.
b. We work hard to send weekly updates about how your puppy is growing so
that you can be a part of their developmental process.
c. You are also welcome to arrange a visit ahead of time to see your puppy
before they are able to go home. These are arranged appointments, and
not unannounced visits.